Friday, June 29, 2012

Guide to Online Dating and Matchmaking eBooks PLR Private Label Rights

Guide to Online Dating and Matchmaking eBooks PLR Private Label Rights


Are you ready to find a budding romance online?

Secrets of Finding Your 'ONE and ONLY' with Online Dating Services!

I know what you're looking for...

You're looking for SOMEONE. ANYONE!

Anyone that fits your highly detailed list of qualifications that is. Well GOOD.

If you've ever thought you could use those online dating services you've heard about to find a special someone... you were absolutely right. You can! Thousands have and thousands will continue to!

In fact thousands of people just like you are looking to meet someone right now. It's time to get serious. It's time to take the guessing out of the game. It's time to take the matchmaking world by storm with our...

Guide to Online Dating and Matchmaking!

Greetings Friend

If you are a sexual creature you can find a meaningful relationship through online matchmaking.

If all you are looking for is sex you will find it. If you want a relationship there are certain ways to go about it and there are certain ways to not. Don't embarrass yourself. Do things the right way the first time.

Gone are the days when parents stuck kids in a room and tried to force sparks to fly. And face it high school sweethearts just aren't common anymore. People are getting married later in life more now than ever.

The Internet has revolutionized dating. Picture this scenario:
You see someone who you find attractive. Score one point.

You approach them and they seem nice. Score another point.

You start dating and think you like them. Another point for you.
Then the person's true colors come out... It's a disaster. Lose all points and take a kick in the rear.

Who has time for this kind of drama? With online dating the process is in reverse. Now you can approach a person with certain qualifications in mind besides looks. Do you want a homebody who likes to curl up and watch movies or are you looking for an outdoor type. Just read the profile!

By the time you find someone with similar interests you'll have an idea of what kind of person they are...and know if they're worth talking to or not. It's efficient dating for the busy person.

"It's about time this dating business became efficient!"

My report "Guide to Online Dating and Matchmaking!" is a thoroughly researched report on how to best present yourself and find a meaningful relationship online. It is an amazing guide that you can refer back to at anytime.

Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

=> Learn why the days of judging people by appearance are over. (Page 2)

=> Understand why sex takes a backseat to many other factors in a relationship. (Page 10)

=> Discover how online dating is just a NEW approach to an OLD tradition. (Page 5)

=> Find out what is appropriate for small talk and what is off limits. (Page 41)

=> Realize that none of James Bonds' relationships worked anyway... and how that applies to you and your relationships. (Page 15)

=> Understand what you need to stay guarded about when you first get to know each other. (Page 42)

=> Learn 4 ways to tell if someone is lying to you or not. (Page 43)

=> Realize that searching for FRIENDS online can get you the best results. (Page 21)

=> Understand why sex should be your LAST concern. (Page 22)

=> Find out the four reasons why online dating is so popular. (Page 7)

=> Learn the fundamental need of man and the most popular way to achieve it. (Page 9)

=> Understand why the line "This is me whether you like it or not" can come from insecurity and how it affects your image. (Page 24)

=> Understand why putting together a profile of yourself is serious business. (Page 25)

=> Learn when the appropriate time to meet someone in person is and some tips for setting it up. (Page 45)

=> Find out why lunch is better than dinner for a first date. (Page 46)

=> Realize how people can get to know each other before even meeting... making the chances of success even greater! (Page 6)

=> Realize why it's so important that a couple have the same intentions. (Page 9)

=> Realize that online dating can save you money. (Page 13)

=> Discover how to make sure you're on their mind AFTER the date. (Page 47)

=> Understand why looks are only important in non-serious relationships. (Page 17)

=> Understand why the first thing to do is NOT run straight for a "singles" chat room. (Page 15)

=> Learn a new respect for the phrase "beauty is only skin deep." (Page 16)

=> Understand that individual interests are not as diverse as human beings... and why that's a BIG plus for everyone. (Page 18)

=> Learn what makes a good "handle" and which ones to avoid! ex. MEGASTUD! (Page 33)

=> Learn why you should NOT be on your best behavior. (Page 20)

=> Understand why it's best to plan before you start searching for a partner. (Page 14)

=> Find out which personal characteristic is better left unshared between two people. (Page 18)

=> Realize the potential downfalls when your description of yourself is too vague. (Page 31)

=> Understand why you should be completely honest with potential partners. (Page 32)

=> Learn to keep track of multiple prospects' information without embarrassing yourself. (You: Hi Mary. Them: My name's Sarah.) (Page 40)

=> Learn how to look at yourself as a unique person - separate from the pack. (Page 34)

=> Learn the value of knowing what you DISLIKE. (Page 19)

=> Find out who should be paying for the first date. It's not who you might think. (Page 49)

=> Learn how you should or should not behave in chat rooms to get your desired results. (Page 14)

=> Discover what is "Charming" and what is not... this may surprise you. (Page 52)

=> Learn how to handle yourself if you're dating more than one person! (Page 50)

=> Learn to pay attention to a few special things when preparing for your first real-world date. (Page 50)

=> Understand why no one is complete without a partner. (Page 11)

=> Understand how and when to be modest... but more importantly how and when NOT to be modest. (Page 27)

=> Learn how to use words to make yourself stand out from the crowd. (Page 30)

=> Learn what words will bore otherwise interested suitors. (Page 31)

=> Learn what factors to consider when supplying your picture. (Page 26)

=> Discover why keeping your "options open" is very important to you and any future relationships. (Page 55)

=> Realize how similar online dating can be to offline dating. (Page 11)

=> Find out what personality type you are and how to use that knowledge for your benefit. (Page 35)

=> Find out if you should bring a gift to your first contact... and what to do if they do not. (Page 53)

=> Learn the best ways to end a relationship online. (Page 56)

And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!

Thousands have now found their match online even though they initially thought it impossible!

Wouldn't it be great to have a special someone right now?

It's always exciting when you're getting to know someone new. Talks can go on for hours. There's that feeling in your stomach... and the smile you give yourself in the mirror...

With online dating you don't have to wait around trying to find the courage to talk to someone. You're not going to have to try and hide your nervousness. You will seem calm cool and collected. Now people will be able to see you for who you really are.

The Internet is literally the largest meeting place in the world. There are literally tens of thousands of people online all looking for a special someone. It is completely possible even probable that you could meet your next "someone" tonight.

People make so many mistakes when trying to meet someone online. And that's natural - it's new territory to most! But I will show you the ins and outs of online matchmaking. You will learn what is acceptable and the correct way to go about things - to make sure you don't end up feeling embarrassed.

If you get my report today I will show you how to safely and effectively go about finding a meaningful relationship online. Download the report straight to your computer - soon you will have thousands of people from which to choose from. When was the last time you could say that?

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