Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Has anyone punished you? Down with Sisyphean toil!

Has anyone punished you? Down with Sisyphean toil!

Word Count:

Have All Programs In Your Start Menu Become Enormously Numerous?
Use Start Menu Tuner to create program categories you need and sort your programs by them. You will do it easily and visually. You will spend minimum effort even if you are new to computers.

start menu, all programms, editor, tuner

Article Body:
Have All Programs In Your Start Menu Become Enormously Numerous?

You bought a computer and started turning it into a habitable thing by installing various useful programs for work and entertainment. But then you opened the Start menu one day and all of a sudden became confused: 'Where's the program I need in this huge list?'

Catalog – True Solution For Arranging Information
The first librarians have encountered the same problem: 'How to put great amounts of all this information into order?' Catalogs solved this problem. A catalog allows you to focus on a certain category instead of paying attention to all items. It is possible due to the catalog structure based on the fact that all items have been already sorted by categories. This method turned out to be so good that catalogs continue to serve as a source of trustworthy information even centuries later, in the age of search engines, both for people and for search engines.

The More, The Worse
One huge list makes you look through a lot of unneeded items when you are looking for something. The longer the list is, the more attention and time your search requires. You can observe this oppressive situation on most users' computers, it is enough just to open the 'All Programs' item in the 'Start' menu. If it is not the case with you, it is just a matter of time.

What To Do?
So how can you solve the problem of your menu being overfilled with various programs? Restrict your needs? No need to do that! The program Start Menu Tuner will easily solve your problem. Use it to create program categories you need and sort your programs by them. You will do it easily and visually. You will spend minimum effort even if you are new to computers.

Result – Quick Access To Any Program
What will you get as a result? Now you will not fall into a stupor at a mere sight of a large choice when you open the menu. Your choice is easy and visual: you see a category, open it and look at a brief list of programs that does not require a bloodhound's skills. You have made your everyday life yet more simple and comfortable. It means that the quality of your life has increased and I congratulate you on that!


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