Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blogging: What it is and why you need one

Blogging: What it is and why you need one

Word Count:

Why everyone should have a blog.

promoting tips, marketing tips, blog, business coaching

Article Body:
It is hard not to at least notice the word "blog" or "blogging", with the frequency it seems to pop up in subjects ranging from politics to pornstars.  Odds are that you have noticed it unless you have been living in a cave for the last four years.  But even with that kind of familiarity of the word, few can say exactly what a blog is. 

To understand the blog, first of all a little history is in order.  The word "blog" is short for the word "weblog".   A weblog is a word coined early in the internet age to designate a journal or diary type page mainly consisting of personal thoughts and reflections.  Most of the time it is updated frequently and can range in topic from the mundane to the profound.  Sound familiar? It should.  What it really is when you get rid of the hype is the good old fashioned diary which has been with us almost as long as language itself. 

How long have "blogs" been with us? Well, one of the first instances could easily be ascribed to a work called "Kakheperresenb's Complaint", written by none other than the egyptian scribe Kakheperresenb himself.  (Please don't try to pronounce the name.  You WILL get a headache.  We will call him "K" from this point forward.) "K" made one of the first recordable blog entries in history circa 2000 BC.  Of course "K" didn't have the resources and technology we did today and his audience was probably limited considering the fact that most of the population was illiterate. 

"K" left with us the memorable phrase, "'Would I had phrases that are not known, utterances that are strange, in new language that has not been used, free from repetition, not an utterance which men of old have spoken.''  Obviously even then people with a blog were STILL trying to figure out what to write!

But no seriously, the blog IS the way to reach fame and fortune and make a little money on the side.  Just ask Darren Rowse, whose most recent (August 2005) income total from Adsense was a little over $16,000!  Yeah, that WAS three zeroes behind that 6.  Not bad for a guy writing his own comments and ramblings about everything from sports shoes to bad movies.   Of course Darren went so far as to even take a course in college on "Entrepeunerial Blogging".  Needless to say he must have paid attention.

But you need not take a course to have a good blog that generates hits.  Blogger extroidinairre Chris Wright started his by simply posting job openings for engineers which he came across during his own job search.  Word got around and before long he realized his hit count was going up and up and up… You get the picture.  If you write something interesting that people need to know they WILL come to you – invited or not.  As Chris's own story perfectly illustrates.

So run this by me again, you say? You mean ALL I have to do is just start writing stuff about – NOTHING?

No, not exactly.  As always, in the internet world and in the real world, content is king.  Your writing must be somehow funnier, sharper, wittier, smarter, more bizzare or just plain weird in order for people to link to you and as a result drive up the hits to your blog and hence fatten your pocketbook.

But notice how many options you have.  You don't have to depend on your education.  Nor do you need a rich and lavish lifestyle that you can blog about while others read with envy.  If you can make the boring, dreary life of the average nobody funny and interesting people will come regardless.  As mentioned earlier – CONTENT is king. 

Good content = more visitors = more banner hits = more money.

So you want to know how to get started with this blogging thing?

It's really pretty easy.  There are a number of places that will allow you to host your own blog and most of them do it for free.  Blogger is probably the most popular.  But there are others.  Try some of these on for size if you had rather go the more individual route:

Livejournal – This is the "kinda" cool and hip virtual location for the blogger crowd.  You can link to other people by topic and it has some other cool features like the ability to allow posts from only certain people.

Diaryland – Diaryland doesn't hids it's origins.  In fact it does it's best to try and make your weblog look as close as possible to the good old fashioned diary/journal that we all know and love.  They have a smaller and more intimate community than some of the other locations.

What if you are not sure you want to get started but instead want to just read blogs of others for a while until you get a better idea of what you want to say?

Well there are PLENTY of sites that do nothing but list and aggregate blogs of other people.  Here are just a few to get you started:

Globeofblogs – Globe of blogs has a real international flavor.  You will find blogs from literally everywhere here. 

Blogarama – Another compendium of various blogs on subjects ranging from weird to wonderful.

Blogsearchengine – This site cut's to the chase.  If you want to search for blogs they will do it for you.  Just enter in the subject of your interest. – Okay so you want to know other success stories? Check out those near the top of the listings here.  You will then see what it takes to reach the top.

Well, hopefully you know enough to get started on your own blog by now.  So what are you waiting for? Get out there and BLOG!

Club 400000 Articles Ebooks Software Videos PLR Private Label Rights Master Resell Rights

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Private Label Articles - Get More Useful Content At Low Cost and Effort

Private label rights (PLR) are one of the hottest things in Internet marketing today. Everybody wants to know what they are and, more importantly, what benefits they can get out of them.

In essence, PLR is a kind of license you acquire for material, which allows you to change and edit existing material and call it your own. Without having to do a lot of work, you could be credited as the author of the material and not have to worry about any violations in copyright.

Not a lot of people know about the PLR articles, much less why they should pay attention to them. Give yourself the edge and find out why you should know all you can about PLR and how you can profit from them in the most efficient and effective way possible.

1. Saves time and effort.
You probably already know how much work and time it will take to write an article. On average, a single 700-word article will take about two hours to compose from scratch. If your intention is to create a website with over 50 pages, then you can see how daunting and time-consuming the task of simply writing content will be. PLR articles will save you this time and effort.

2. All credit goes to you.
You are under no obligation to credit the original author for PLR articles. As such, when you publish them on your website, no outbound links and advertisements will be there to distract your visitor / customer. All links will be focused on your brand and your affiliates.

3. Saves you money.
This point requires a different point from saving time and effort simply because of economics. Hiring writers to create content for your website averages about $15 per article. If your site were to hold even just 20 articles that you need to update regularly (say every two weeks), you'd see how the bill could add up.

But if you were to acquire PLR for a set of articles, you could save money because of the economics of scale. Articles are bought at bulk and as such it is possible to get your hands on 200 articles for only less than $30.

4. Editorial freedom.
You don't like how the article is written or the information it is presenting? PLR allows you to change the material right away without needing to ask permission from the writer.
This is also especially useful for optimizing your website for search engines since you can enrich the content with keyword phrases to improve your rankings in SERPs.

5. Create a brand for yourself.
Today, it's all about distinguishing yourself from the rest. PLR articles allow you to provide content that is both relevant and updated. By doing so you build a reputation with your target audience as an expert. And since people would much rather go with someone they trust, your chances of return visitors increases significantly.

6. Get professional results.
Many of the writers who offer articles with PLR are professionals and have access to the latest information regarding your field of interest. By acquiring the rights from them, you avail yourself of their professional results without having to retain their services regularly.

With one set of PLR articles and some creativity on your part, you can extend the life of the articles to the point where the content has more than paid for itself. So when sourcing out a supplier for PLR articles, ask for sample works to demonstrate the quality of articles you would be purchasing.

Now that you know why you should seriously consider getting PLR articles, here are some ways to get you started on profiting from them.

1. Compile a list or report.
You can consolidate a series of articles of a similar theme and package them as a report or listing of information. While you may think that anyone can do this, you'd be surprised how little of this is done.

Many people don't have the time to read or the willingness to read several articles at different times. Providing them a simplified version of the information they want will be a welcome offer for your visitors. You can either give away the report for free, sell it as your own product or use it as content on your website.

2. Use PLR content to create a series of small articles
This is especially useful when producing material for an email campaign. A series is by far, one of the more effective ways to create a following with your audience.

Give enough to allow them a feel for what you're offering and hint at giving more of the same if they will subscribe to your mailing list. In turn, your emails promote your website by inviting them to visit you on a more regular basis.

3. Produce ebooks.
It is very possible for you to take a set of PLR articles and come up with an ebook, for which you can credit yourself as the author.

Since you have created an entirely new product you could repackage this and sell this with your own resale rights. Just like you, there are people who are looking for material they can use for their own promotion needs so cater to this market as they are increasingly growing in number.

As you can see, using PLR articles are not only effective in providing truly useful content. They are also cost and labor-efficient, which means you can focus more of your time to more important matters, whether they are for business or otherwise.

Introducing the ultimate PLR articles pack, this massive PLR articles pack includes more than 400,000 PLR articles, all included with full private label right license. This massive PLR articles pack is categorized in more than 950 folders on different niche topics, from marketing articles to topics like health & fitness,pets,marketing,medical, fashion,travel, finance, birthdays, herbs and many many more.

This massive ultimate PLR articles pack is so huge that we had to divide them to several different packs, take a look below to see what is included in the massive 400,000 PLR articles pack.

Hello Friend,

If you would like to set up your own Info-Business, but hate to write, or have no idea where to get copy to create your own fresh products, then this is for you...

The "400,000 PLR Articles Package" is a huge collection of over 1,000,000 quality articles, all written by professional copywriters.

In other words: You'll be able to create a line of new niche products almost instantly!

Let me sum up what you'll get:

You'll receive over 400,000 high quality articles, each between 400 and 900 words. These cover some of the hottest subjects online...

You can do anything you want with this content...

Resell the articles as they are, create brand new Ebooks, special reports, eCourses or add them to your web site or newsletters.

What is PLR?

PLR stands for Private Label Rights which means that you have the right to edit the content in any way you see fit and for what ever purpose you require. You can add your own name to the content, make changes, insert your affiliate links - basically anything you can think of.

You can modify, edit, sell or plug these articles into your web site to profit via AdSense.

But you can do so much more with them...

· Create short tips to publish in your Ezine

· Create new Ebooks

· Record the content and turn it into Audio Books

· Set up a follow up series on your autoresponder

· Set up a new eCourse and insert your own affiliate links in every lesson that goes out

· Use the content to create Special Reports -or Bonus Gifts- to increase sales for your existing products...

· Etc, etc...

"There's absolutely no limit as what you can do with these
articles. Resell them, edit or modify them to create brand
new Ebooks, special reports, e-courses or add them to your
newsletters. The possibilities are endless..."

Become A PLR Content Provider

1 - You can market PLR content with no money. You don't need to have a large bankroll to get started in the world of PLR content. The tools are there, you just have to know how to use them. And when you purchase Article Master Series, you will be able to use the content in any way you imagine to make money.

2 - All businesses online need content .
Private label rights is the ultimate in content and is something that is always going to be in demand, even in a recession. The more you understand how to use PLR content, the more money you can make. By tapping into the content needs of webmasters, the potential for earning money is phenomenal!

Get the Entire 400,000 Article Package for the Special Price of only.


These are very high quality articles

Comparing with the quality of these articles, the price is really very very low.
Remember, These are not some crappy articles.

These are Very High Quality Articles .

Do not buy low quality cheap articles and lose your money.

Your visitor won't feel attraction to your content if you buy low quality articles.

And you will loose money too.

Buy this High Quality PLR Articles Package Now
Make Your Own Articles Vault Now
Limited Package will be sold. Hurry Up

Get INSTANT Access Here...

Usually, I successfully sell this product at $60.00

However, if you order NOW

I can guarantee you these amazing products for the special price of only...

$ 29
No catches...No 'up-sells'...No OTO's...

That's a 50% saving to you.

Remember, people make big bucks online because they invest a little time

to make a hell of a lot of money.

Now it's your turn to do the same !

Order The 400,000 PLR Article Pack Today.
And get as an Extra Bonus a copy of this Website
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Buying this is not a problem, because we guarantee

that these are some of the best quality articles found anywhere on the net.


Here's What You CAN Do With These Products:

[YES] Sell Each Product Individually.
[YES] Sell All The Products As A package.
[YES] Sell Resell Rights.
[YES] Sell Private Label Rights.
[YES] Sell At Online Auctions.
[YES] Give Away.
[YES] Give Away Resell Rights.
[YES] Give Away Private Label Rights.
[YES] Offer As A Bonus.
[YES] Offer As Subscriber Incentives.
[YES] Alter The Source Documents.
[YES] Alter The Graphics.
[YES] Alter The Sales Page.
[YES] Charge Any Price YOU Want.
[YES] Add Them To Membership Sites.
[YES] Create BRAND NEW Products
[YES] Change And Publish The Products Offline
[YES] Put Your Name On The Products As The Author
[YES] Can Do Anything With Them You Can Dream Up!

NOTE: Remember, having Un-restricted Private Label Rights means
that you can alter the products in any way you wish, which is the key
to branding yourself and your business' identity! Use these products
as a base for your own ideas and creativity!

After buying this package there wont be any need to buy any other package.

More than 400,000 PLR Articles

This is surely the world biggest articles pack collection, with more than 400,000 articles in a pack! After downloading this huge plr article pack you will have at your finger tip, every possible contents that you will ever need for your website and to market your web site or products. Start creating thousands of niche targeted content web sites and start generating income from Google Adsense, Selling Clickbank product or promoting CPA Offers. Or you can take simple route to earn some quick cash by simply selling this PLR package "as is" for any price you wish. Estimated value of this 400,000 PLR Articles is easily (worth over $800/-)

750+ PLR / MRR Products

All Future Updates and Newly Added Products Totally Free

No competitor or other websites will give you future updates of there package totally free. No one in right sense will make this kind of insane offer, but everything about this package is totally insane. Many new PLR and MRR eBooks and software's are going to be added on regular basis. So keep eye on your email that you have provided while purchasing this package to get future updates totally free.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Common Sense - The Missing Link in Online Business

Common Sense - The Missing Link in Online Business

Word Count:

In today's fastpaced world of SEO and SEM, its easy to overlook the one element that a lot of web design lacks---common sense! It is easy to become so obsessed with seducing traffic and boosting your search engine rankings that we overlook the simplest details.

online business, e-commerce, web design

Article Body:
I like to think that my approach to business is 1 part experience, 1 part research and 2 parts common sense. I know my business; that's my experience. I read as much as I possibly can to strike a balance in my efforts between tried and true and newer methods of business planning and marketing. But to me, the most important, and often lacking in my opinion, is the common sense part of running any business, especially online.

I do not claim to be an expert in SEO or SEM or any of those acronym concepts. In fact, I'm not sure who legitimately can claim to be. In my observation, the rules to those theories seem to change daily if not more often. However, like most online entrepreneurs, I do try and pick up as much as I can from all sources in trying to market and run my business.

In working on both my own business and my client's, I have found that too often I can get too focused on the technical aspects of my website and business. We are constantly inundated with tips, tricks and techniques for getting more traffic and finding new leads. Please don't think I'm discounting any of those or disparaging those giving advice. On the contrary, I think it is necessary to take in as much information as possible in determining your own strategies. The problem, in my eyes, lies in getting too involved in these "new" concepts and losing sight or doubt your innate sense of how to do things.

I am not suggesting any hot new modes of marketing, nor am I guaranteeing any way of making thousands of dollars a week! I am merely suggesting that before, during and after implementing any new techniques, you always take a look at your website and all your materials from your customer's point of view. Better yet, have someone else take a look.

Make sure that you have designed your site and written your copy in a way that is accessible to both ends of the spectrum: the techies and the technically challenged alike. In a perfect world, each visitor to your site would be very computer and internet savvy. Unfortunately, we all know it is not a perfect world. You must make your site as user-friendly as possible.

I spent a lot of time designing my website. I put a lot of thought into what I wanted to say, how I wanted to say it and how I wanted it to function. Those are all important things to consider and steps that must not be skipped. However, shortly after launching the site I discovered what I could improve.

The first thing I did when I uploaded the site was to inform all my friends and family. I knew within two days that I needed to make things a whole lot simpler! I had not taken into account that I have grown up in the internet age and things that I take for granted like knowing how to navigate a site via a site map or navigation bar are not second nature to everyone. I got the best feedback from my 91 year old grandfather who really wanted to see the whole site and know what it was all about. He tries so hard to keep up with the technology, but using the internet is not his cup of tea. 

After speaking with him and a few other relatives, I sat down and took a hard look at my site. I went through and made two ways to get to every single page. I tried to simplify things as much as possible. I didn't change the copy because I had made a point to write copy that was inviting to potential clients from any background. I used my keywords as much as I felt comfortable doing without sounding like a broken record.

Albert Einstein once said, "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." In our excitement to boost our search engine rankings and generate traffic, I think it's important to remember those words. The more people who can use your site and hear your message; the more customers you will have!


Course Free On PLR Private Label Rights - MRR Master Resale Rights

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Powerful VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense - Part 2

Powerful VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense - Part 2

Word Count:

Okay, it's now time for the next installment of... "6 POWERFUL VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense" series.

By now you should have a good idea of what Virtual Real Estate is and why it's to your benefit that you start a network of your own VRE sites depending on the model you choose.

In the last installment of this series I covered "Article Directories".

In this part of the VRE series I'm going to cover "Web Di...

online business,niche content sites,virtual real estate,online business strategy

Article Body:
Okay, it's now time for the next installment of... "6 POWERFUL VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense" series.

By now you should have a good idea of what Virtual Real Estate is and why it's to your benefit that you start a network of your own VRE sites depending on the model you choose.

In the last installment of this series I covered "Article Directories".

In this part of the VRE series I'm going to cover "Web Directories" in general and then give you some examples of what they might be and look like.

Sound good?

VRE Model #2. Web Directories.

An "Web Directory" is simply a directory on the World Wide Web that specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Web Directory owners will often allow site owners to submit their site for inclusion. Then human editors will review their submission and if accepted, will be added to their database.

The one thing about Web Directories is they are often used as part of a website marketing strategy for being indexed in the major search engines like Yahoo!, Google, MSN to name a few.

The main strategy behind someone submitting there website to a directory is that a new site needs to quickly build inbound links from reputable sources. In doing this they will get a higher ranking within search engine results under there target keywords depending on the PR(popularity ranking) of that directory or inbound link.

That's the basic run-down of what an Web Directories purpose is and why they make a great VRE business model.

Web Directories can be and target anything you want them to. It's your directory, so you make the decision as to what it is about.

As your directory grows, so will its traffic.

And if you have targeted affiliate programs strategically placed on your directory along side your Google Adsense code, you could be making a nice, steady income form your directory like many others are right now.

Now... as I said at the beginning of this article I would give you some examples of some Web Directories with Google Adsense so you see for yourself whether or not this is something you want to venture into.

So, with that said, here are 3 directories that I think will give you a good idea of what to expect:

Free Stuff Directory:
All Free Things -

eBook Directory:
Wisdom eBooks -

Software Directory:
Software5 -

Now remember, your Online Directory can be about anything you want. Your in control.

These are just some examples of whats out.

Did you happen to see the Google Adsense ads?


Also, pay special attention to where those Google Adsense ads are positioned because this is KEY to getting a good CTR(Click Through Rate) with your Google Adsense ads.

Now, at this point, it's up to you to make the decision on whether or not this is the type of VRE business model you want to use and start.

I recommend you surf around and see whats out there with your interests in mind. By doing that you will be able to get some good idea's as to what to expect and more importantly, model your directory and/or VRE sites from.

Well, that's it for now.

Course Free On PLR Private Label Rights - MRR Master Resale Rights

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Building a web site for your home based business

Building a web site for your home based business

Word Count:

It is possible to make money online, running your business from home. But to be able to do this, you have to have a web site. Most people starting up a home based business will try and build their own, that's fine if you know what you are doing but can reflect very badly if you don't. Home based business web sites, need to be professional looking but not overly flashy!

Build a work from home web site, work from home, web site

Article Body:
It is possible to make money online, running your business from home. But to be able to do this, you have to have a web site. Most people starting up a home based business will try and build their own, that's fine if you know what you are doing but can reflect very badly if you don't. Home based business web sites, need to be professional looking but not overly flashy!

Some work from home opportunities include a web site when you sign up but if starting a new business, consider either one of two options.
1) Pay someone to build your web site for you. Look around you, web sites can be purchased at low cost these days.
2) Use a Free template or paid for template. Web site designers work from home too and are happy to work for low fees to get their own home business of the ground.

Make sure your web site is consistent.

Your customers will want to see a consistent web site layout. They don't need to know that you are working from home so a professional, well laid out easy to navigate web site is a must. Most users will make an impression of your site in seconds. The difference between a good looking site and a bad looking site is a potential lost sale.

If you run an e-commerce business from home, don't try and build the shopping cart yourself. Use a third party product like PayPal, particularly good for selling a few products and well respected. Payment processors like PayPal take care of your Data Protection requirements and leave you to get on with promoting your internet business.
Third party software
With a small investment, you can purchase a complete shopping cart or if you are on a tight budget, you could use an open source e-commerce product. Either way if your home based business sells a lot of products, why try and re-invent the wheel!

Paid host or free host?

Don't make me laugh! A years internet hosting with your own domain name costs less that taking someone out for dinner. If you don't make this one investment, then why bother starting a business at home? Owning a domain adds professionalism to your business. How many www. web sites have you seen, that are successful online businesses?

How much does it all cost?

Hosting your new  web site and fitting it out with e-commerce might cost you less than a $100 per year. This depends how many products you sell and how much of the work you are prepared to do your self. But be realistic know your limitations and know when to ask for help! 

Good luck working from home.


400000 Articles Ebooks Free Software Videos PLR Private Label Rights Master Resell Rights

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ways to Make Money Online Without a Website

Ways to Make Money Online Without a Website

Word Count:

You can moke money online without having your own website. This article will show you five ways you can do it.

make money online, work from home ideas, work at home ideas

Article Body:
On the Internet you can find numerous ways to make money online without a website. Below are types of online program that you can join without having any website.

1.Online Surveys
The idea of online survey is that you will be given a survey that has to be completed by you to earn money. This surveys is conducted by companies who are observing the community to discover the best way to market their product or services. The amount of money you can earn per survey depends on the importance or the length of survey. Some survey companies doesn't reward you with money. Instead, they giving you prizes/gifts or entering you to a lucky draw.

2.Get Paid to Read Email/Get Paid to Signup/Get Paid to Surf
From the description above, you know what you have do to make money. Yes, only by reading emails and click the advertisement inside or by signing up to various free to join programs or surfing on the internet you can make money online. Although the money you can earn isn't much, this is the most convinient way to make money.

3.Online Investment
This program requires you to invest on their programs for a certain period of time and in return you will get the amount of interest based on your investment. This type of program involve a high risk, just like other offiline investment. It also has the big chance of losing your money, because many of this programs are scams. Only a few of this type of program are legitimate. Usually, they offer a low rate of interest, but still higher than most bank offers.

4.Ebay Business
Ebay is a well known service that allows people to sell and buy products through an online auction. You can sell your antiques or stuffs that you no longer want to Ebay. Though selling your old stuffs and sell them to an online auction seems like not promising, there are actual people who has make a full time income on Ebay.

5.Marketing Affiliate Programs with Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
Recently this is maybe the most popular way to make money online without having your own website. The concept is by joining an online affiliate programs that will give you commission to sell their products and then advertise the product on sites that has Pay Per Click Advertising. PPC Advertising is a powerful advertising campaign that charges you a  small amount of money when someone click your advertisement. If that person decide to buy the product your promoting, you get profit from your commission reduced by your investment on the PPC Advertising. The most famous PPC service is Google Adwords, run by Google. Just be sure that your investment on the PPC service doesn't exceed the amount of commission you get from the affiliate program.

As you can see, each program has their own advantage and disadvantages. The last two ways mentioned above is considered more promising than the top three. In order to make a significant income with the last two programs,  you have to know its secrets and techniques. Fortunately, there are many ebooks and articles online that can help you to get the best of those programs.


400000 Articulos en Ingles eBooks Gratis Software PLR con Derecho de Marca Privada Derecho de Etiqueta Privada con Derecho de Reventa

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Helpful Strategies for Selling Leather and Leather Products Online! – Part 1 of 4

Helpful Strategies for Selling Leather and Leather Products Online! – Part 1 of 4

Word Count:

In order to have a successful online leather business, you need to understand the culture of selling online as it compares to selling to people that walk through your front door.

leather,selling leather,leather education

Article Body:
When someone walks through your door, it is quite likely that a sales person is available and able to assist them with any questions. At that moment in time, specially in a leather oriented business, many aspects of the human sensory spectrum are in full swing. They can smell the unique scent of genuine leather, they can see and touch the smooth buttery leather and most importantly they can hear and understand what you have to say about your leather product offerings. Put all these things together and there is a very good chance you are going to make a sale! … Now try to accomplish this on the Internet.

It goes without saying that the Internet can enhance the bottom lines of many, if not all, leather oriented businesses, however, did you know that there are obstacles associated with selling online that can literally sink your leather business if you are not prepared?

For the purpose of this article, let us define the term "online commerce" as "the electronic selling of leather and leather products through an online shopping cart environment".
There are certain issues that a business should take into account before even contemplating opening up an online shop.

First let me start off by asking you a simple question. When was the last time you fired up your computer and said "I am going onto the internet to do some shopping?" I am willing to bet, that's not too many times, if any. Most people hop on the internet to do research, or if anything, to do a little window shopping! That's right ... to look around and see what's available. Very few people hop on the internet looking to buy something, but this does not mean you can't sell to them! All this means is that you need to treat them a little differently to ensure they buy from you.

Here are some strategies to help you get started.

1. Develop your online catalogue with the first time shopper in mind all the time.

I can't begin to count how many leather industry sites out there that are falling short in this department. Your company website has to take on the roll of your top sales person. It needs to provide as much information as possible to your potential customers. What we are talking about here is not only information on how to reach you, but detailed product specific information, product uses, methods for payment, shipping options, refunds etc.

You need to position your leather company as a mentor or teacher and educate your potential customers about your product offerings and their applicable uses. When writing your website content, pretend that every potential visitor will know very little about your offerings. Ensure that your content is as informative as possible. You will win over more leather consumers this way, trust me. Use this strategy whether you are selling a jacket, a pair of boots, a can of adhesive or a sheepskin. Once you convert that casual visitor into a customer, and you deliver on your orders, you'll have gained a lifetime customer.

Now, if you're thinking about selling say upholstery hides (or other finished hides) online, let me give you a piece of advice. Do so only with customers that have bought from you before or who have received one of your sample swatches. Why? Remember online customers are going by what is on your website; they don't actually get to touch your upholstery leather or hide. As we all know, every hide is different and each carries its unique imperfections. So forget about trying to display the true representation of the colors or textures of hides on their monitors. With the many different monitors and graphic cards available it is an impossible task. A simple comment like – "If ordering our XYZ upholstery hide for the first time, please request a sample cutting or swatch to confirm specifications before ordering." If you make this offer; ensure you get the samples out! Potential first-time customers will appreciate the heads up and second-timers will be unfazed as they have bought the product from you before. The alternative is an unhappy customer, restocking fees, shipping fees and the loss of a potential lifetime customer.

In the next three articles, Frank will address three additional strategies that will not only help you keep your customers, but increase them as well. Learn how a $300 order can generate in excess of  $120,000 of business.


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Monday, November 21, 2011

Can I Really Market from my Comfort Zone?

Can I Really Market from my Comfort Zone?

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Yes, you can market from your comfort zone. It's all about permission, learning style and claiming where you are most comfortable. This article gives tips for learning how to market from your comfort zone.

market, marketing, comfort zone

Article Body:

Yes, you can market from your comfort zone.  It's all about permission, learning style and claiming where you are most the way, that's where the permission comes in.  So many of us are led to believe we must step out of our comfort zone in order to market our business.  I would like to transform that thought right now.

It's amazing what will happen when you give yourself permission to stand in your comfort zone.  You will automatically start branching out and yes, you may be so excited you will want to try new things.

So what is your comfort zone? Here's a quick exercise to help you identify with the perfect stepping out point.

Take out a blank sheet of paper.  Get some colored pens, markers, crayons or a plain pencil if you like.  There is one rule.  You cannot write down anything you don't like and anything you're not good at.

Begin writing:

- things that bring you energy

- things you enjoy and skills you have

- things that people say about you and your expertise

- what you have heard from your clients

- gifts you share with others

- how you have helped those you connect with

In the previous course we talked about the perspective of your marketing definition.  Now let's talk about the perspective of your approach. There are two ways you can think about stepping into marketing action.  You can come through the door marked "Marketing, Follow Me" or you can go through the other door marked, "My Comfort Zone first, My Chosen Marketing Steps Next."

Here's an example:

Someone might suggest to me, call 3 entrepreneur associations a day and tell them about my business.  I might say, "that's a good idea but I think I'll do it from my comfort zone.  I'll contact someone I know that's involved in an association, ask if they could introduce me to the person in charge, make the call and ask if they would like to talk about each others business to see if there's a connection.  You see, I like to hear about other businesses and make comfortable connections.  My comfort zone in this example was a "warm" call, which is having someone else, connect me and my comfort marketing was asking to share a conversation about their business and mine rather than 'telling' them about my business as the first part of the conversation.

Each person has their own comfort zone and their own style.   We are all unique.  Again, we choose different business paths; wear different clothes; drive different cars; have different viewpoints-our marketing approach should be just as unique.   Marketing from your comfort zone is all about the right fit for you. Since we are all different, let's identify what's unique about your or your approach.

List 3 ways you are unique.   Here are some key points to think about while making your list.

- Don't take your style, skills and passions for granted.  Not everyone does what you do.

- If you have a difficult time writing these down, ask a friend or relative, "Do you see something unique about a skill or hobby I have?"

- What does unique have to do with Marketing?   It's a huge piece in differentiating you from your competition.

Now that you know what makes you unique, what are 2 creative ways YOU can make a comfortable marketing approach?

There is a marketer inside of us all - it's just a matter of identifying the true, authentic marketing person inside of YOU.


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Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to use Ebooks and Ebay to build your mailing list

How to use Ebooks and Ebay to build your mailing list

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In this section we'll look at a very easy to use and cost effective method of getting laser targeted prospects on your mailing list… That's all there is to it! It doesn't take long to set up and once in place we can easily tweak the listings and continue this strategy.

Email,email list,Ebook,E-book,eBook,ebook,ebooks,ebay, e bay,Ebay,ebook selling,Ebook marketing,strategy,mailing list,emailing list,list email,auction,advertising,auto responder,bill,boyd,bill boyd

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Part 1: How to make money from affiliate ebooks without selling them

Part 2: How to use ebooks and ebay to build your mailing list

Part 3: How to use ebooks to drive more visitors to your site

In this section we'll look at a very easy to use and cost effective method of getting laser targeted prospects on your mailing list.

First, let's quickly re-cap part one; we learned there that we don't need to make money from the initial sale of the ebook in order to profit from the ebook.
Keep this in mind as we go through the following dialogue.

ebay is a site that facilitates bringing buyers and sellers together in a secure and safe environment, in order to buy and sell a variety of goods and services, either through action or in a fixed price format.

The preferred payment system used there is Paypal. Paypal is an extremely user friendly and highly secure service for transferring money over the internet.

Here's what we do:

1. List the ebook under several different categories, choose categories that have a specific connection to the topic and some that are more loosely connected. For example an ebook about Internet Marketing could be listed under the category of; books/internet information products/marketing; this would be a direct connection. A loosely connected category might be something like; Everything Else/Education & Learning/Adult & Career Education/Personal Development/Personal Finances. An easy way to find suitable categories is to use the search categories option as you are listing; it gives you recommendations that you can choose from.

2. We also need to play around with the Heading, using different headings for all of our listings, we should try to include the words and phrases that people will use when searching most often, and include them in the heading.

3. List the ebook as a 10 day auction and offer a 'buy now' option as well. Be sure to set the 'buy now' price at level that covers our fees if we wish to make this a free advertising campaign.

4. We need to create a html formatted sales letter. Do this by creating a page in html composer such as Mozilla or coffee cup, or any other composer. Outline all the details about the book and what's in it etc. then at the end of the description add an Auto responder! That the customers can use to ask for more information about the product. We must ensure that the redirect page brings the customer back to ebay. This is vital because ebay has very strict policies regarding links that take people away from their site.

5. Now we can play around with the sales letter to make it more enticing for people to enter their details, some of the things we could use are; for a free report, to receive other offers and updates, for more information and the free edition,etc. we just need to become creative here.

6. If our ebook sells without getting any prospects, that's great we have covered our costs and distributed our links. (see part one of this series) We can go ahead and re-list it, then start all over again!

That's all there is to it! It doesn't take long to set up and once in place, we can easily tweak the listings and continue this strategy.
It's not limited only to ebay it's also possible to use any of the other auction sites available online today.


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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Download FREE collection of quality eBooks

Download FREE collection of quality eBooks
Word Count:
Search something from that?

download free ebooks packages, free seo software, quick selling software

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"Savo Elite" is the biggest collection of popular ebooks, seo software, Web scripting, selling websites you can find the Internet. All products are in great demand.
The ebooks presented in "Savo Elite" had been written by the most successful businessmen  which earn thousand of dollars weekly. They tell us their secrets and methods.
"Savo Elite" distributes all products with the Right of Resale!
"Savo Elite" gives you more than 200 high-quality best-selling goods which help you to create your own  information products.
You may spend much time for creation of unique product and one website only. But now you should not spend your time and money to create products and websites which can not live because of their poor quality. "Savo Elite" suggest you to solve  this problem.
All products have been carefully selected and have the highest quality.
Besides the site is on a regular basis updated by completely new books and the software, you will always have access to new products.
The software contained in "Savo Elite", will help you to automate your business in the Internet and to maximize your profit.
Welcome To "Savo Elite"!

  Club Articles Ebooks Software Videos PLR Private Label Rights Master Resell Rights http://www.SuperMegaPack.Net

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Learn As You Earn When You Start An Online Business.

Learn As You Earn When You Start An Online Business.
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If you're fairly new to the world of running an online business, you may be worried that you don't know enough to become a success. You may feel that it will take a lot of new knowledge before you can even begin. This can be quite overwhelming. However, this is not necessarily the case. Let me explain.


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If you're fairly new to the world of running an online business, you may be worried that you don't know enough to become a success. You may feel that it will take a lot of new knowledge before you can even begin. This can be quite overwhelming. However, this is not necessarily the case. Let me explain.
If you wanted to become a pianist, how would you go about it? Would you spend months or maybe years, reading books on how to play a piano? Would you listen to people talk about how to play the piano? Would this alone teach you how to play? Ok, so maybe you would read one book and listen to a few people that have already learned to play. Then you start to practice. You take the knowledge from the experts and apply it by practicing. This doesn't make you a master pianist in an instant. You have to practice over and over, adding new skills as you master the last one. This all takes time and effort. But if you really want to learn to play the piano, it's all worth it.
What does this have to do with starting an online business?
Reading and learning about every single aspect of internet marketing can take considerable time. If you where to wait until you knew everything there was to know before starting your business, you would find that things have changed during the time you've been absorbed in learning and you would then have to learn even more.
This is what you should do.  Do spend some time reading and doing research. Make sure that you have just enough information to know that you are working the right area/niche. More importantly, do something. Get started. You will learn on the way, by doing. Yes you will make mistakes, but that really is the best way to learn. If you where learning to play piano, you would make mistakes there too, but you would work at getting it right. You might try a different technique or put in extra practice to get it just right. With an internet business, it's pretty much the same thing. You need to tweak as you go along, adapt and grow your knowledge base as you expand your business.
Don't be afraid.
You may feel unsure because of several factors. Such as new jargon, seemingly difficult technical stuff, many, many new subjects covering marketing, advertising, traffic generation and it goes on and on. You don't need to know everything to make a start and you will learn the rest on the way. By learning from actually doing and experiencing, your learning curve is much higher, but it will not feel like it. Obviously a little bit if know-how is necessary, but just read a free special report on that topic. They are free and available all over the internet. Download what you need, print them off, but don't go and read everything and then some more and then something else before you start.
If you don't understand a particular area, go to a forum and ask questions. These discussion boards are growing at a lightning pace across the net this year. Their popularity has fuelled a new kind of information resource. Priceless. Don't be worried that you will sound dumb. The experts of these boards where just like you once. How do you think they became as knowledgeable as they are? By asking questions and using the answers to grow their business. Posting questions on forums is highly recommended. The people who frequent these places are more than happy to help. "Why?" I hear you ask. By answering questions, it gives that person 'credibility' it gets their name known across the internet as an expert on the subject. It is advertising for then and it's free. The people that will happily answer your questions and help guide you on your way to internet success do so because there is something in it for them. With both of you getting something out of the situation, it must be all good, everyone gets what they need.
Learning takes a long time, can it be speeded up?
It most certainly can, but it will cost. A lot of people that start an online business do so with a budget of almost $0. A successful and highly profitable internet business can be born form this, the disadvantage is, it takes far longer to earn a good income. There is nothing wrong with doing it this way, heck some of today's biggest internet guru's started on a $0 budget, including me.
If you do have some funding, then it will be easier for you to be earning quite quickly. The best thing to do would be to find a mentor. Someone that has already done what you are trying to do. A guide that will teach you and help you to get started. It can be quite tough to go it alone, I know this because that is what I did. A coach would have made my life much, much easier, but I didn't have the $20-$30 a month that I needed for the membership fees. If you are lucky enough to be able to afford this comparatively small outlay, I would highly recommend a mentor. This can save you a great deal of time and you will be making money a lot sooner than if you where to go it alone.
How would a mentor help?
A good mentor will take their student by the hand and guide them through each stage of starting an online business. They will encourage you to get stuck in right from the start. Teaching you that you learn best by doing. Yes, you will make mistakes, but learning from these mistakes and putting them right is all part of the business. All aspects of internet business will be covered as they become appropriate. Introducing new skills and ideas in manageable chunks. Having a good coach can accelerate your online business presence at a respectable rate. You will soon build much confidence and will not need a mentor forever.
Can't afford a mentor?
You can still make it on your own. Don't be afraid of getting your hands on experience, get stuck into it as soon as possible. If you sit there, reading and reading, you may never actually get started. Don't let your dream die before you've given it your best shot. Do what the successful internet guru's have done, learn as you earn. Practice until you get it right. One day soon you will turn around and find out that you know more than you ever thought possible and you learned it in such a short time. You'll think "What was all the fuss about, that wasn't so hard". And you'll remember that it was because you learned most of your lessons on the way.
In conclusion, if you are going to start an internet business, don't let all the knowledge that you have to gain put you off. Don't get stuck down by thinking that you need to learn everything before you can begin. Experience of doing is by far the best and quickest way to learn the ropes. Take it one step at a time and you will find that with practice, you will soon become quite proficient. If you can afford a mentor, do it, the benefits are outstanding. If you can't afford a coach, don't worry, you will get there with persistence. Learn something new, put it into practice, correct any mistakes and learn the next step. Education and training is an ongoing life experience. Not even the internet guru's know it all. They learn new things every day and that is what you must do. So enough with the reading. Go take action today. Until you take the first physical step you have no chance of ever getting where you want to be.

Jane Harper, Webmaster

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Article Submission – Your First Viral Marketing Tool

Article Submission – Your First Viral Marketing Tool
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One of the most important aspects of having success online is to use your limited marketing and time resources in the most effective way possible. In other words, you need to get as much return on your investment as you can by spending the smallest amount of resources (which could be monetary or time-related).

viral marketing, article submission, Internet Marketing

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One of the most important aspects of having success online is to use your limited marketing and time resources in the most effective way possible. In other words, you need to get as much return on your investment as you can by spending the smallest amount of resources (which could be monetary or time-related). For Internet marketing, there is one excellent strategy that answers all of the requirements from above – it's called viral marketing.
Through viral marketing you initiate an action and then allow it to propagate, much like water ripples would do in a pond if you threw a rock in the water. The whole concept uses the "word of mouth" idea, but is ads the speed and efficiency of virtual communication.
On the Internet, a viral marketing campaign may bring your website a huge amount of traffic for an initial investment that is almost negligible.
One of the most important, effective and easy to use tools of viral marketing is the process of submitting articles to directories – let's have a look at how this works and why it's so effective in Internet Marketing.
How does it work?
The process is simple and you don't need any programming skills to initiate a viral marketing campaign. Simply write a high quality article, or commission someone else to do it for you. Choose a topic that is related to your website, but make sure it addresses issues that are of general interest in the target audience.
For example, if you own a site on dog training or dog products, you might want to write a more general article on this topic, as that has a better chance of spreading around. Add a "resource box" at the end of the article, writing about yourself in the 3rd person and describing your website.
Also make sure to add at least one active link in your resource box – note that some directories will require you to place HTML code with your links in order to make them active. Here is what the link code should look like:

Of course, replace the URL and the description of the site to suit your needs. Your article is good to go and now it's time to submit it to several directories, for increased efficiency. Make sure to choose the appropriate category where the site will appear. It also helps if you can find some niche-specific article directories. Some great resources to submit your articles to are:

Getting back to the dog training site example from above, you might want to look for specific, pet-resource oriented directories. The efficiency of submitting to specialized directories is a lot higher than general content directories, but there are also fewer of them and it's hard to locate more than a bunch of really good ones. A great pet related resource to submit articles is:
If you are already submitting articles, but you're looking for an easier and faster method, you might want to try an automatic article submitter. It will submit your article to over 30 directories in half an hour. To watch a video on how to do this, go to:

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Anatomy Of A Web-Advertising Campaign

Anatomy Of A Web-Advertising Campaign
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In The Beginning There Was Marketing
Anyone in business who has any interest in using the Web to further his or her business is well aware of "search engine optimization." Not a day goes by that my email in-box isn't loaded with information on how to get the best search engine results, and not a week goes by that a client or potential client doesn't request that their website be not just search friendly but search engine fanatical.
For some time we have been preaching t...

audio, video. web audio, web video, marketing, marketing communication, commercials, web commercials

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In The Beginning There Was Marketing
Anyone in business who has any interest in using the Web to further his or her business is well aware of "search engine optimization." Not a day goes by that my email in-box isn't loaded with information on how to get the best search engine results, and not a week goes by that a client or potential client doesn't request that their website be not just search friendly but search engine fanatical.
For some time we have been preaching the importance of delivering the marketing message and that your message should not be corrupted or distorted by techniques aimed at attracting search engine robots well driving away real people who may actually be potential customers.
Now I realize that in many circles this attitude is considered outright heresy, but hopefully there are a few marketing types around that understand websites have to deliver more than miscellaneous random eyeballs; websites have to deliver a message that is memorable, understandable, useable, and if you're really good at your job, information that can be incorporated into your audiences' belief system.
With that in mind we were pleasantly surprised when Google the primary target of this SEO obsessive compulsive frenzy of technical slight-of-hand announced that they were instituting Google Video Ads and to add a little icing on the cake, they purchased YouTube adding to their already considerable investment in Google Video. Somebody at the big "G" thinks video is a viable Web-medium even if the purveyors of search engine fool's gold would have you believe otherwise.
The list of companies, including Forbes, Amazon, Wyeth, and Ford, delivering Web-audio and Web-video grows daily and we are not just talking about major corporations. Small companies are using multimedia to get the edge on their larger competitors who still have their heads buried in the search engine optimization sand.
Acknowledging All The Issues
In developing our campaign to promote the use of Web-audio and Web-video as an effective method of delivering marketing messages over the Web, we identified four key issues that would have to be addressed:
(a) We had to demonstrate that website design was about delivering the marketing message and not just search engine optimization.
(b) We had to demonstrate that even small and medium-sized companies could afford professional Web-audio and Web-video and that it wasn't cost prohibitive.

(c) We had to demonstrate that professional Web-audio and Web-video required more than just the ability to use a video camera and that professional multimedia story-telling required a unique set of creative skills and technical ability not often found in-house in most businesses.
(d) We had to demonstrate that the development and production of creative multimedia marketing and professional webmedia content had to do with talent and experience, not size.
These were the challenges that informed all our subsequent decisions.
The Concept
In order to make people pay attention to what we had to say we needed a concept that was both familiar and edgy. Sure we were sticking a finger in the eye of all the search engine optimizers but you can't be afraid to make a strong statement if you want people to sit-up and take notice, especially if you are fighting a tidal wave of misconception.
The fact that we were telling people that delivering your marketing message on the Web using multimedia was more important than search engine optimization was enough to make what we were doing controversial, but we also needed a vehicle that allowed us to present the opposing point of view. What we needed was a recognizable style that demonstrated our ability to deliver a memorable, comprehensible, useable, belief-altering message in the medium we were promoting.
Since we primarily use Macintosh computers for all our work and only use PCs to check for compatibility, we thought we would pay homage to the brilliant Mac commercials running on television. The format worked for us because it allowed us to create two characters of our own that would present opposing points of view over a series of videos that would comprise the campaign. We knew that some people would react unfavorably to our using such a familiar format but we figured it would demonstrate how even small but talented production companies can deliver high quality multimedia Web-based marketing on tight budgets.
A Market Primed and Ready
Our efforts in advocating the power of using the human voice and image to deliver marketing stories over the Web was finally getting through to companies who were fed-up with the cost and ineffectiveness of continually chasing the holy grail of search engine optimization. Company presidents and marketing managers were starting to listen, starting to realize there was another way. This campaign was aimed at pushing these business executives to act on what they already knew: good marketing is about delivering the message, not keyword density.
Preproduction, Production, and Post Production
We wanted to make sure we had a distinctive sound by composing our own signature theme music and creating our own cast of characters with a distinctive message promoting the concept of multimedia. In fact these planned web-commercials really don't sell anything, all they do is make people aware that search engine optimization is not the only thing they should be thinking about when they are developing a website or webmedia campaign. In short, the medium was the message.
The use of Web-audio and Web-video is the best way to implement this kind of marketing presentation. We sat down and started to write and before we know it we had eighteen scripts each featuring a different issue in the search engine optimization versus multimedia controversy.
The next step was finding the right actors to play the part. Whereas Web-audio allows us to draw upon a vast number of voice talents across North American, video is much more limiting, especially if were wanted to keep the cost down to a reasonable amount. Even if we were prepared to blow the budget on actors, we knew our clients wouldn't, so it was important to demonstrate that we could get the job cast at a sensible cost. The casting proved to be an interesting exercise of frustration and humor. We had all types of applicants ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous to the outright bizarre, but ultimately we were able to find two fine young actors who understood exactly what we were doing and who took to the parts as if they were written specifically for them.
One of our greatest assets as a firm is that we do everything from concept to implementation, including writing, videoing, editing, graphic, motion, and website design; but if you want to produce a campaign at a sensible price you still have to be careful you don't write overly elaborate scripts that require multiple sets, locations or hard to acquire props. That said we still had to find a cute dog we could trust on set, links of various kinds of sausages, a hard to put together toy, and best of all a real straightjacket from an interesting website that specialized in rather strange items of clothing.
The shoot itself went extremely smoothly and we ended up shooting all eighteen videos in less than two days. We assumed some of the videos that looked good on paper just wouldn't translate to the screen, but to our surprise every one of the scripts worked. We knew what we wanted to say and weren't afraid to say it, even though we were flying in the face of conventional wisdom.
While Josh Bader our Director of Photography was digitizing, color correcting and editing the raw footage, Simon Bader our Director of Audio composed a number of theme music compositions to choose from for our signature sound. Once all the pieces were put together into a series of finished videos, we were ready to implement the campaign.
The first set of six videos were uploaded to Google Video and YouTube as well as onto a webpage  that was created to house the full campaign of eventually eighteen videos, each presenting a different issue in the search engine optimization versus multimedia controversy. Versions of the videos were also used to create a Google Video Ad campaign.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

About Norton Anti-Virus


About Norton Anti-Virus

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With the many types of anti-virus software, it is helpful to read a brief description of what the different types do and how they can be beneficial to you and your computer.

Norton Anti-virus

Symantec's Norton AntiVirus software is perhaps the world's most trusted antivirus solution. It is available for both Windows PC's, and Macintosh (Symantec Antivirus for Macintosh - S.A.M). Norton AntiVirus is a very reliable and easy-to-use anti-virus product. It's the best anti-...

norton antivirus, anti virus, norton, virus, trojan horse

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With the many types of anti-virus software, it is helpful to read a brief description of what the different types do and how they can be beneficial to you and your computer.

Norton Anti-virus

Symantec's Norton AntiVirus software is perhaps the world's most trusted antivirus solution. It is available for both Windows PC's, and Macintosh (Symantec Antivirus for Macintosh - S.A.M). Norton AntiVirus is a very reliable and easy-to-use anti-virus product. It's the best anti-virus product for catching viruses in downloaded files and E-mail. Norton AntiVirus is also more expensive than McAfee VirusScan although not by much, and the added abilities of Norton can easily make up the difference.

Norton AntiVirus includes many tools that can be run in the background, including watching for suspicious PC activity and automatically checking downloaded files for viruses. Norton AntiVirus is also automatically configured to handle E-mail virus scanning for email messages coming into your computer, as well as those you send. This process automatically scans and cleans both incoming and outgoing email, stopping viruses from infecting your computer or spreading to others. It removes viruses automatically, without interrupting your work and prevents infections during real-time online chats, and also detects viruses in instant-message attachments. Because so many viruses and internet worms are now spread using email and Instant Message Systems, this is extremely valuable and necessary protection.

Norton Installation

Installation is simple. Simply install the CD in your CD drive, and the installer will launch automatically. The installer should ask you if you want to do a pre-install scan of your system for viruses. This is a very good thing to do. Once this is finished, the installation will proceed, and you can accept all the defaults without worry. Once the installation is complete, you'll be prompted to go online and get up-to-date virus definitions. DO NOT skip this step. Having up-to-date virus definitions is essential to the performance of any antivirus software.

Normal Use

Norton is a very hands-off program. Pretty much it is an install and forget program that looks after itself. It will automatically notify you if there is anything that you need to do. If a virus is found, the software will try to automatically repair the file, if it can't, it will place the file in a safe 'quarantine' zone, and let you know. In addition to looking for known viruses, the Norton Antivirus Bloodhound feature tries to spot new viruses and worms by their behaviour that is common to such nasty programs.

Checking your system and downloading updates are two things you need to do regularly. Norton Antivirus makes them painless by setting up a full system scan once a week and checking for new updates (both to the software, and virus definitions) whenever you're online. These simple update scans hardly slow down your PC down at all.

Overall, Norton Antivirus is an excellent way to guard against viruses. It is the system that I recommend to my clients most often, and that I use personally.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Advertising In A Nutshell

Advertising In A Nutshell

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The bottom line of all advertising efforts is an obvious one: to attract customers and bolster sales. But often, small business advertising is wasted on a shotgun approach that doesn't focus on the company's best prospects: those who are ready, willing and able to purchase the product or service. In an attempt to reach "everybody," these advertisers either miss their true market or spend far more than necessary to reach it.

Once you've targeted your market and know exactly...

Sales, persuasion, motivation, influence, leadership, presentation, team management, success

Article Body:
The bottom line of all advertising efforts is an obvious one: to attract customers and bolster sales. But often, small business advertising is wasted on a shotgun approach that doesn't focus on the company's best prospects: those who are ready, willing and able to purchase the product or service. In an attempt to reach "everybody," these advertisers either miss their true market or spend far more than necessary to reach it.

Once you've targeted your market and know exactly who and where your prospects are, it's important to clearly identify what you want your advertising to accomplish. Specific advertising objectives include:

• Creating new customers
• Increasing usage
• Increasing order size
• Promoting replacement of functional but outdated products with technologically superior ones
• Improving brand name recognition
• Generating customer inquiries
• Creating sales leads through the use of response ads, coupons or toll free "800" numbers
• Promoting special events such as sales, business openings or the introduction of new products or services
• Enhancing the overall image of the business

Generally, the most effective ads focus on customer needs or wants and emphasize the most desirable benefits of the product or service, such as convenience, style or durability. Other tactics include comparisons with competitive products, two for one sales, special one day discounts and offers of free information.

The techniques you choose in your advertising will help determine the media you select and the exact message you communicate. One of the best ways to become familiar with the tactics in your field is to collect your competitors' advertising materials and use them to stimulate your thinking.

The most important things to take into consideration in any ad are the audience and the offer. Who is the ad trying to reach? If the ad isn't presented to the right audience and addressed to them in their own language, then it isn't going to get noticed. And if the offer isn't something that interests them and gets them excited, then they're not going to take any action even if they do notice it.

Finally, make it easy for customers to respond to your ad. Tell them what action to take and include (depending on the advertising medium) coupons, an "800" number or business reply envelopes. And be sure to stand behind what you sell.


Friday, November 11, 2011

A Home Based Income Opportunity May Be Just What You Are Looking For

A Home Based Income Opportunity May Be Just What You Are Looking For

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The idea of a home based income opportunity is something that appeals to many people, even those who have been successfully working for and with other people. The idea that you can stay in your own house and work the hours that you want and with the people you want is something that we all like to think about, but very few people are actually able to make this work for themselves. Many times people have the knowledge they need, but they lack the confidence to step out on thei...

Home Based Income Opportunity

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The idea of a home based income opportunity is something that appeals to many people, even those who have been successfully working for and with other people. The idea that you can stay in your own house and work the hours that you want and with the people you want is something that we all like to think about, but very few people are actually able to make this work for themselves. Many times people have the knowledge they need, but they lack the confidence to step out on their own as well as the general know how to actually get a company of their own off the ground.

To complicate matters, too many people have already fallen victim to some illegitimate home based income opportunity. Unfortunately, there are too many of these programs to even count on the Internet and they exist in the real world as well. So many programs out there simply take people's money and leave them with nothing or they provide interesting reading, but not enough information that can actually lead one to success. The overwhelming numbers of programs that do not actually serve people well make the majority of people searching for a home based income opportunity a bit hesitant to invest any time or money in a program that professes to provide information or guidance to allow one to work for themselves. This is understandable, but if you are unwilling to take chances, you don't give yourself the opportunity to find the legitimate programs either.

To find the programs or systems that really will set you up for success there are a couple things that you should look for. First, you should ask for references or testimonials. See if they are members of the BBB or rated by Dun & Bradstreet. While this in and of itself may not be enough it is a good starting point. A home based income opportunity should also be one that you can purchase sufficient training or information for just once per topic or course and not have to incur any sort of recurring payment scheme for ongoing participation. Programs that are complete onto themselves are also preferred because that means you will not have to find other resources and put out potentially more money to actually make the program work for you.

Of course, this is a tall order to fill and using these guidelines you will probably be able to rule out the majority of systems or programs that you are looking into. You can rule out some others just by looking at the affordability of them. Many programs can charge thousands of dollars, or more with recurring payments which must be made for ongoing participation. While anything worth doing might cost some money and take some time before you see the results that you want, it shouldn't put you in the poor house to get there.

One website that offers legitimate programs with ongoing support is  as it fills all of the requirements that are listed above. Not only do they offer all of those great features, they also offer assistance that will help you put your plans into motion. Branching out on your own and building a business is a big step for everyone, but when you work with the programs on this website you will find that it is easier than you could have ever imagined to get involved in a known & proven business from a company that has been providing full training and ongoing support since 1978. That in and of itself makes it well worth your time to visit to see what they have to offer. Make sure you sign up for their FREE Report – You won't be disappointed!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Delegation Tips To Blast Through Barriers

Delegation Tips To Blast Through Barriers

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Essential to the achievement of delegation is the advancement of employees' self- esteem. The exercise of self-esteem as a motivator is a current phenomenon. In the 1930s the issue was immaterial. Back then, the concerns were money, security and survival - the very things that were in meagre supply. New distinct improvements in the satisfaction of these survival needs have begot a whole new set of drives. Employees have begun to carp about a lack of dignity and respect. With ...

management, delegation

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Essential to the achievement of delegation is the advancement of employees' self- esteem. The exercise of self-esteem as a motivator is a current phenomenon. In the 1930s the issue was immaterial. Back then, the concerns were money, security and survival - the very things that were in meagre supply. New distinct improvements in the satisfaction of these survival needs have begot a whole new set of drives. Employees have begun to carp about a lack of dignity and respect. With escalating turnover tolls, absenteeism and other forms of alienation and frustration, managers can no longer uphold that workers only care about taking home a paycheck.

1. Delegation empowers subordinates in the organization to grow and thereby compels you to strive for even higher in management. It afford you with more time to take on higher-priority projects.

2. Discover the talents and interests of your people thereby enabling you to delegate more wisely and effectively.

3. Never underrate a person's capability. Delegate a bit more than what you think the person is adept at handling. Imagine them to succeed, and you will be astounded more often than not.

4. Plainly define what outcome is required, then let individuals exercise their own clever thinking to determine how to reach that objective.

5. Visibly define the bounds of authority that go with the delegated task. Can the person task other people to work with them? What are the spending limitations?

6. Do not avoid delegating something because you cannot give someone the entire project. Let the person begin with bite-sized tasks. After learning and doing that portion, they can take on larger pieces and areas of responsibility.

7. Unambiguous standards of performance will aid the person know when he is doing exactly what is expected.

8. Delegation entails accepting that the other person might make a mistake. People learn from mistakes and will be able to do subsequent projects correctly. Consider where would you be if no one had ever taken a chance on you?

Management consultants and behaviorists have shown that a salary increase is not necessarily the definitive motivator. Unless you cannot survive on your present salary, more money is often a poor incentive. In addition to earning, most people work every day to satisfy their need for challenge and predictability in their lives. Look at the army of tycoons who continue to slave every day. Precisely because their basic needs are being met, modern workers never automatically accept authoritarian and debasing styles of management.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Real Ways To Make Money Online

Real Ways To Make Money Online

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You've heard all the sales pitches for various books, CD-Roms, DVD's, and other materials that will supposedly turn you into a genius when it comes to making money online. Perhaps you've even invested in some of these items to find that they are full of useless information or only teach basic techniques that you already knew. What you'd like to know is how you can really make money online, without a huge investment or getting caught in a pyramid scam.

1. Advertisement prog...

Ways to Make Money Online

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You've heard all the sales pitches for various books, CD-Roms, DVD's, and other materials that will supposedly turn you into a genius when it comes to making money online. Perhaps you've even invested in some of these items to find that they are full of useless information or only teach basic techniques that you already knew. What you'd like to know is how you can really make money online, without a huge investment or getting caught in a pyramid scam.

1. Advertisement programs

Advertisement programs are available all over the internet. How can they help you make money? In this instance, your job is to build a website based on a particular topic, product, or service. Once you've published the website, you can sign up with any number of pay-per-click services that will then populate your web page with advertisements. Others who are paying for those ads on a pay-per-click basis literally fund your paycheck. Every time they pay their invoice for clicks on their ads, a percentage will come to you. Imagine building a few small, basic websites with keyword density that will attract lots of traffic and then sitting back to wait for the money to start coming in.

2. Internet Sales

While there are several avenues down which you can pursue internet sales, there are some ways that are smarter than others. When first beginning your pursuit of internet sales, you will need either a product or service that does not draw too much from your pocketbook. Buying a bulk product for discounted rates and reselling those items individually could be a way to break into the market. You can either set up a website from which to sell your product or services, or you can sell from internet auction sites. Many people have made quite a large sum of money selling products on auction sites. If you take into account the fees you will have to pay, the shipping costs, and the materials cost, setting your price at a level to return a reasonable profit, you can have an internet auction sales business that is highly successful. Another way to attract business is to have a unique offering, whether it is a service or product, that few or no other sellers are offering.

3. Wholesaling

Perhaps you've been frustrated in the past by having to go to several different places to collect parts and pieces for a project. You want to customize your car, but you have to go to one dealer for wheels, another for body parts, and someone else for paint or decals. Becoming a wholesales means utilizing the ability to purchase wholesale from suppliers and resell the items in question as complete sets. This can be a lucrative business venture because you sell everything as a package, giving you the ability to mark up the price to earn a profit, as well as offering customers the chance to purchase everything they need in one place, meaning greater satisfaction and more return customers.