Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blogging: What it is and why you need one

Blogging: What it is and why you need one

Word Count:

Why everyone should have a blog.

promoting tips, marketing tips, blog, business coaching

Article Body:
It is hard not to at least notice the word "blog" or "blogging", with the frequency it seems to pop up in subjects ranging from politics to pornstars.  Odds are that you have noticed it unless you have been living in a cave for the last four years.  But even with that kind of familiarity of the word, few can say exactly what a blog is. 

To understand the blog, first of all a little history is in order.  The word "blog" is short for the word "weblog".   A weblog is a word coined early in the internet age to designate a journal or diary type page mainly consisting of personal thoughts and reflections.  Most of the time it is updated frequently and can range in topic from the mundane to the profound.  Sound familiar? It should.  What it really is when you get rid of the hype is the good old fashioned diary which has been with us almost as long as language itself. 

How long have "blogs" been with us? Well, one of the first instances could easily be ascribed to a work called "Kakheperresenb's Complaint", written by none other than the egyptian scribe Kakheperresenb himself.  (Please don't try to pronounce the name.  You WILL get a headache.  We will call him "K" from this point forward.) "K" made one of the first recordable blog entries in history circa 2000 BC.  Of course "K" didn't have the resources and technology we did today and his audience was probably limited considering the fact that most of the population was illiterate. 

"K" left with us the memorable phrase, "'Would I had phrases that are not known, utterances that are strange, in new language that has not been used, free from repetition, not an utterance which men of old have spoken.''  Obviously even then people with a blog were STILL trying to figure out what to write!

But no seriously, the blog IS the way to reach fame and fortune and make a little money on the side.  Just ask Darren Rowse, whose most recent (August 2005) income total from Adsense was a little over $16,000!  Yeah, that WAS three zeroes behind that 6.  Not bad for a guy writing his own comments and ramblings about everything from sports shoes to bad movies.   Of course Darren went so far as to even take a course in college on "Entrepeunerial Blogging".  Needless to say he must have paid attention.

But you need not take a course to have a good blog that generates hits.  Blogger extroidinairre Chris Wright started his by simply posting job openings for engineers which he came across during his own job search.  Word got around and before long he realized his hit count was going up and up and up… You get the picture.  If you write something interesting that people need to know they WILL come to you – invited or not.  As Chris's own story perfectly illustrates.

So run this by me again, you say? You mean ALL I have to do is just start writing stuff about – NOTHING?

No, not exactly.  As always, in the internet world and in the real world, content is king.  Your writing must be somehow funnier, sharper, wittier, smarter, more bizzare or just plain weird in order for people to link to you and as a result drive up the hits to your blog and hence fatten your pocketbook.

But notice how many options you have.  You don't have to depend on your education.  Nor do you need a rich and lavish lifestyle that you can blog about while others read with envy.  If you can make the boring, dreary life of the average nobody funny and interesting people will come regardless.  As mentioned earlier – CONTENT is king. 

Good content = more visitors = more banner hits = more money.

So you want to know how to get started with this blogging thing?

It's really pretty easy.  There are a number of places that will allow you to host your own blog and most of them do it for free.  Blogger is probably the most popular.  But there are others.  Try some of these on for size if you had rather go the more individual route:

Livejournal – This is the "kinda" cool and hip virtual location for the blogger crowd.  You can link to other people by topic and it has some other cool features like the ability to allow posts from only certain people.

Diaryland – Diaryland doesn't hids it's origins.  In fact it does it's best to try and make your weblog look as close as possible to the good old fashioned diary/journal that we all know and love.  They have a smaller and more intimate community than some of the other locations.

What if you are not sure you want to get started but instead want to just read blogs of others for a while until you get a better idea of what you want to say?

Well there are PLENTY of sites that do nothing but list and aggregate blogs of other people.  Here are just a few to get you started:

Globeofblogs – Globe of blogs has a real international flavor.  You will find blogs from literally everywhere here. 

Blogarama – Another compendium of various blogs on subjects ranging from weird to wonderful.

Blogsearchengine – This site cut's to the chase.  If you want to search for blogs they will do it for you.  Just enter in the subject of your interest. – Okay so you want to know other success stories? Check out those near the top of the listings here.  You will then see what it takes to reach the top.

Well, hopefully you know enough to get started on your own blog by now.  So what are you waiting for? Get out there and BLOG!

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Private Label Articles - Get More Useful Content At Low Cost and Effort

Private label rights (PLR) are one of the hottest things in Internet marketing today. Everybody wants to know what they are and, more importantly, what benefits they can get out of them.

In essence, PLR is a kind of license you acquire for material, which allows you to change and edit existing material and call it your own. Without having to do a lot of work, you could be credited as the author of the material and not have to worry about any violations in copyright.

Not a lot of people know about the PLR articles, much less why they should pay attention to them. Give yourself the edge and find out why you should know all you can about PLR and how you can profit from them in the most efficient and effective way possible.

1. Saves time and effort.
You probably already know how much work and time it will take to write an article. On average, a single 700-word article will take about two hours to compose from scratch. If your intention is to create a website with over 50 pages, then you can see how daunting and time-consuming the task of simply writing content will be. PLR articles will save you this time and effort.

2. All credit goes to you.
You are under no obligation to credit the original author for PLR articles. As such, when you publish them on your website, no outbound links and advertisements will be there to distract your visitor / customer. All links will be focused on your brand and your affiliates.

3. Saves you money.
This point requires a different point from saving time and effort simply because of economics. Hiring writers to create content for your website averages about $15 per article. If your site were to hold even just 20 articles that you need to update regularly (say every two weeks), you'd see how the bill could add up.

But if you were to acquire PLR for a set of articles, you could save money because of the economics of scale. Articles are bought at bulk and as such it is possible to get your hands on 200 articles for only less than $30.

4. Editorial freedom.
You don't like how the article is written or the information it is presenting? PLR allows you to change the material right away without needing to ask permission from the writer.
This is also especially useful for optimizing your website for search engines since you can enrich the content with keyword phrases to improve your rankings in SERPs.

5. Create a brand for yourself.
Today, it's all about distinguishing yourself from the rest. PLR articles allow you to provide content that is both relevant and updated. By doing so you build a reputation with your target audience as an expert. And since people would much rather go with someone they trust, your chances of return visitors increases significantly.

6. Get professional results.
Many of the writers who offer articles with PLR are professionals and have access to the latest information regarding your field of interest. By acquiring the rights from them, you avail yourself of their professional results without having to retain their services regularly.

With one set of PLR articles and some creativity on your part, you can extend the life of the articles to the point where the content has more than paid for itself. So when sourcing out a supplier for PLR articles, ask for sample works to demonstrate the quality of articles you would be purchasing.

Now that you know why you should seriously consider getting PLR articles, here are some ways to get you started on profiting from them.

1. Compile a list or report.
You can consolidate a series of articles of a similar theme and package them as a report or listing of information. While you may think that anyone can do this, you'd be surprised how little of this is done.

Many people don't have the time to read or the willingness to read several articles at different times. Providing them a simplified version of the information they want will be a welcome offer for your visitors. You can either give away the report for free, sell it as your own product or use it as content on your website.

2. Use PLR content to create a series of small articles
This is especially useful when producing material for an email campaign. A series is by far, one of the more effective ways to create a following with your audience.

Give enough to allow them a feel for what you're offering and hint at giving more of the same if they will subscribe to your mailing list. In turn, your emails promote your website by inviting them to visit you on a more regular basis.

3. Produce ebooks.
It is very possible for you to take a set of PLR articles and come up with an ebook, for which you can credit yourself as the author.

Since you have created an entirely new product you could repackage this and sell this with your own resale rights. Just like you, there are people who are looking for material they can use for their own promotion needs so cater to this market as they are increasingly growing in number.

As you can see, using PLR articles are not only effective in providing truly useful content. They are also cost and labor-efficient, which means you can focus more of your time to more important matters, whether they are for business or otherwise.

Introducing the ultimate PLR articles pack, this massive PLR articles pack includes more than 400,000 PLR articles, all included with full private label right license. This massive PLR articles pack is categorized in more than 950 folders on different niche topics, from marketing articles to topics like health & fitness,pets,marketing,medical, fashion,travel, finance, birthdays, herbs and many many more.

This massive ultimate PLR articles pack is so huge that we had to divide them to several different packs, take a look below to see what is included in the massive 400,000 PLR articles pack.

Hello Friend,

If you would like to set up your own Info-Business, but hate to write, or have no idea where to get copy to create your own fresh products, then this is for you...

The "400,000 PLR Articles Package" is a huge collection of over 1,000,000 quality articles, all written by professional copywriters.

In other words: You'll be able to create a line of new niche products almost instantly!

Let me sum up what you'll get:

You'll receive over 400,000 high quality articles, each between 400 and 900 words. These cover some of the hottest subjects online...

You can do anything you want with this content...

Resell the articles as they are, create brand new Ebooks, special reports, eCourses or add them to your web site or newsletters.

What is PLR?

PLR stands for Private Label Rights which means that you have the right to edit the content in any way you see fit and for what ever purpose you require. You can add your own name to the content, make changes, insert your affiliate links - basically anything you can think of.

You can modify, edit, sell or plug these articles into your web site to profit via AdSense.

But you can do so much more with them...

· Create short tips to publish in your Ezine

· Create new Ebooks

· Record the content and turn it into Audio Books

· Set up a follow up series on your autoresponder

· Set up a new eCourse and insert your own affiliate links in every lesson that goes out

· Use the content to create Special Reports -or Bonus Gifts- to increase sales for your existing products...

· Etc, etc...

"There's absolutely no limit as what you can do with these
articles. Resell them, edit or modify them to create brand
new Ebooks, special reports, e-courses or add them to your
newsletters. The possibilities are endless..."

Become A PLR Content Provider

1 - You can market PLR content with no money. You don't need to have a large bankroll to get started in the world of PLR content. The tools are there, you just have to know how to use them. And when you purchase Article Master Series, you will be able to use the content in any way you imagine to make money.

2 - All businesses online need content .
Private label rights is the ultimate in content and is something that is always going to be in demand, even in a recession. The more you understand how to use PLR content, the more money you can make. By tapping into the content needs of webmasters, the potential for earning money is phenomenal!

Get the Entire 400,000 Article Package for the Special Price of only.


These are very high quality articles

Comparing with the quality of these articles, the price is really very very low.
Remember, These are not some crappy articles.

These are Very High Quality Articles .

Do not buy low quality cheap articles and lose your money.

Your visitor won't feel attraction to your content if you buy low quality articles.

And you will loose money too.

Buy this High Quality PLR Articles Package Now
Make Your Own Articles Vault Now
Limited Package will be sold. Hurry Up

Get INSTANT Access Here...

Usually, I successfully sell this product at $60.00

However, if you order NOW

I can guarantee you these amazing products for the special price of only...

$ 29
No catches...No 'up-sells'...No OTO's...

That's a 50% saving to you.

Remember, people make big bucks online because they invest a little time

to make a hell of a lot of money.

Now it's your turn to do the same !

Order The 400,000 PLR Article Pack Today.
And get as an Extra Bonus a copy of this Website
and Master Resale Rights to the Entire Package.

Buying this is not a problem, because we guarantee

that these are some of the best quality articles found anywhere on the net.


Here's What You CAN Do With These Products:

[YES] Sell Each Product Individually.
[YES] Sell All The Products As A package.
[YES] Sell Resell Rights.
[YES] Sell Private Label Rights.
[YES] Sell At Online Auctions.
[YES] Give Away.
[YES] Give Away Resell Rights.
[YES] Give Away Private Label Rights.
[YES] Offer As A Bonus.
[YES] Offer As Subscriber Incentives.
[YES] Alter The Source Documents.
[YES] Alter The Graphics.
[YES] Alter The Sales Page.
[YES] Charge Any Price YOU Want.
[YES] Add Them To Membership Sites.
[YES] Create BRAND NEW Products
[YES] Change And Publish The Products Offline
[YES] Put Your Name On The Products As The Author
[YES] Can Do Anything With Them You Can Dream Up!

NOTE: Remember, having Un-restricted Private Label Rights means
that you can alter the products in any way you wish, which is the key
to branding yourself and your business' identity! Use these products
as a base for your own ideas and creativity!

After buying this package there wont be any need to buy any other package.

More than 400,000 PLR Articles

This is surely the world biggest articles pack collection, with more than 400,000 articles in a pack! After downloading this huge plr article pack you will have at your finger tip, every possible contents that you will ever need for your website and to market your web site or products. Start creating thousands of niche targeted content web sites and start generating income from Google Adsense, Selling Clickbank product or promoting CPA Offers. Or you can take simple route to earn some quick cash by simply selling this PLR package "as is" for any price you wish. Estimated value of this 400,000 PLR Articles is easily (worth over $800/-)

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