Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Learn As You Earn When You Start An Online Business.

Learn As You Earn When You Start An Online Business.
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If you're fairly new to the world of running an online business, you may be worried that you don't know enough to become a success. You may feel that it will take a lot of new knowledge before you can even begin. This can be quite overwhelming. However, this is not necessarily the case. Let me explain.


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If you're fairly new to the world of running an online business, you may be worried that you don't know enough to become a success. You may feel that it will take a lot of new knowledge before you can even begin. This can be quite overwhelming. However, this is not necessarily the case. Let me explain.
If you wanted to become a pianist, how would you go about it? Would you spend months or maybe years, reading books on how to play a piano? Would you listen to people talk about how to play the piano? Would this alone teach you how to play? Ok, so maybe you would read one book and listen to a few people that have already learned to play. Then you start to practice. You take the knowledge from the experts and apply it by practicing. This doesn't make you a master pianist in an instant. You have to practice over and over, adding new skills as you master the last one. This all takes time and effort. But if you really want to learn to play the piano, it's all worth it.
What does this have to do with starting an online business?
Reading and learning about every single aspect of internet marketing can take considerable time. If you where to wait until you knew everything there was to know before starting your business, you would find that things have changed during the time you've been absorbed in learning and you would then have to learn even more.
This is what you should do.  Do spend some time reading and doing research. Make sure that you have just enough information to know that you are working the right area/niche. More importantly, do something. Get started. You will learn on the way, by doing. Yes you will make mistakes, but that really is the best way to learn. If you where learning to play piano, you would make mistakes there too, but you would work at getting it right. You might try a different technique or put in extra practice to get it just right. With an internet business, it's pretty much the same thing. You need to tweak as you go along, adapt and grow your knowledge base as you expand your business.
Don't be afraid.
You may feel unsure because of several factors. Such as new jargon, seemingly difficult technical stuff, many, many new subjects covering marketing, advertising, traffic generation and it goes on and on. You don't need to know everything to make a start and you will learn the rest on the way. By learning from actually doing and experiencing, your learning curve is much higher, but it will not feel like it. Obviously a little bit if know-how is necessary, but just read a free special report on that topic. They are free and available all over the internet. Download what you need, print them off, but don't go and read everything and then some more and then something else before you start.
If you don't understand a particular area, go to a forum and ask questions. These discussion boards are growing at a lightning pace across the net this year. Their popularity has fuelled a new kind of information resource. Priceless. Don't be worried that you will sound dumb. The experts of these boards where just like you once. How do you think they became as knowledgeable as they are? By asking questions and using the answers to grow their business. Posting questions on forums is highly recommended. The people who frequent these places are more than happy to help. "Why?" I hear you ask. By answering questions, it gives that person 'credibility' it gets their name known across the internet as an expert on the subject. It is advertising for then and it's free. The people that will happily answer your questions and help guide you on your way to internet success do so because there is something in it for them. With both of you getting something out of the situation, it must be all good, everyone gets what they need.
Learning takes a long time, can it be speeded up?
It most certainly can, but it will cost. A lot of people that start an online business do so with a budget of almost $0. A successful and highly profitable internet business can be born form this, the disadvantage is, it takes far longer to earn a good income. There is nothing wrong with doing it this way, heck some of today's biggest internet guru's started on a $0 budget, including me.
If you do have some funding, then it will be easier for you to be earning quite quickly. The best thing to do would be to find a mentor. Someone that has already done what you are trying to do. A guide that will teach you and help you to get started. It can be quite tough to go it alone, I know this because that is what I did. A coach would have made my life much, much easier, but I didn't have the $20-$30 a month that I needed for the membership fees. If you are lucky enough to be able to afford this comparatively small outlay, I would highly recommend a mentor. This can save you a great deal of time and you will be making money a lot sooner than if you where to go it alone.
How would a mentor help?
A good mentor will take their student by the hand and guide them through each stage of starting an online business. They will encourage you to get stuck in right from the start. Teaching you that you learn best by doing. Yes, you will make mistakes, but learning from these mistakes and putting them right is all part of the business. All aspects of internet business will be covered as they become appropriate. Introducing new skills and ideas in manageable chunks. Having a good coach can accelerate your online business presence at a respectable rate. You will soon build much confidence and will not need a mentor forever.
Can't afford a mentor?
You can still make it on your own. Don't be afraid of getting your hands on experience, get stuck into it as soon as possible. If you sit there, reading and reading, you may never actually get started. Don't let your dream die before you've given it your best shot. Do what the successful internet guru's have done, learn as you earn. Practice until you get it right. One day soon you will turn around and find out that you know more than you ever thought possible and you learned it in such a short time. You'll think "What was all the fuss about, that wasn't so hard". And you'll remember that it was because you learned most of your lessons on the way.
In conclusion, if you are going to start an internet business, don't let all the knowledge that you have to gain put you off. Don't get stuck down by thinking that you need to learn everything before you can begin. Experience of doing is by far the best and quickest way to learn the ropes. Take it one step at a time and you will find that with practice, you will soon become quite proficient. If you can afford a mentor, do it, the benefits are outstanding. If you can't afford a coach, don't worry, you will get there with persistence. Learn something new, put it into practice, correct any mistakes and learn the next step. Education and training is an ongoing life experience. Not even the internet guru's know it all. They learn new things every day and that is what you must do. So enough with the reading. Go take action today. Until you take the first physical step you have no chance of ever getting where you want to be.

Jane Harper, Webmaster

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